Thursday, January 29, 2009

Namfrel get-togethers

1: Christmas Party
December 19, 2008
Namfrel office, Makati

Visit Namfrel's new website at

2: Leo's house
January 16, 2009

Our friend and fellow Namfrel volunteer Leo Castro used to be a member of UP's Kontemporaryong Gamelang Pilipino (Kontra-Gapi). (Fun fact: he also used to write for Batibot!) He makes and sells traditional Filipino musical instruments in their house in San Juan. Interested? You can send him a message through

3: Balai Taal
January 24, 2009

Balai Taal is the Concepcion family's sprawling private property in Tagaytay. Visit their website at once it's up again (he he he). We basically invited ourselves to JoeCon's hideaway. It was my second time to visit; the first time the place wasn't even finished. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Concepcion's gracious hospitality.

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